
ORCID : 0000-0003-0316-6746

Contribution to BOOKS

Bollache L (2023) Quand les animaux font la guerre. Ed. Humensis. 231p. ISBN :‎ 978-2379316159

Bollache L (2021) Intelligences Animales pp 199-219. in L' intelligence du vivant. Fabienne Chauvière. Flammarion. EAN : 9782080244154

Galipaud M, Bollache L & Lagrue C. (2020) Cryptic diversity and sexual selection. pp 449-473. in The Natural History of Crustacean: Reproductive Biology.  Vol 6. Oxford University Press. EAN : 9780190688554

Bollache L (2020) Comment pensent les animaux. Ed. Humensis. 240p. EAN : 9782379310751

Bollache L & Hartmann A (2017) Quand les poissons d'eau douce résistent aux antibiotiques. in Ecologie de la santé, pour une nouvelle lecture de nos maux. INEE CNRS & Cherche Midi

Beaune D, Bretagnolle F, Bollache L, Hohmann G. & Fruth B. (2016). Can fruiting plants control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? In : Bonobo cognition and Behaviour. Ed. Brian Hare and Shinya Yamamoto. Brill. EAN: 9789004304161

Bollache l & Dutartre A. (2015) Les espèces invasives sont elles dangereuse ? in Le Tour des grands lacs alpins en 80 questions. ZABR du Rhône. ISBN: 978-2-917199-04-6

Piscart C. & Bollache, L. (2012). Crustacés amphipodes de surface (Gammare d'eau douce). Association Française de Limnologie, Thonon les Bains, 113p. ISBN : 978-2-9542258-0-7



Articles in journal



83 - Reveillion F, Carvalho LS, Galipaud M & Bollache L. 2023. Allometry and sexual dimorphism in three giant whip spider species (Amblypygi, Phrynidae, Heterophrynus). Canadian Journal of Zoology.  101(3): 189-198.



82 - Barrio IC, Ehrich D, Soininen EM, Ravolainen VT, Bueno CG, Gilg O, Koltz AM, Speed JDM, Hik DS, Mörsdorf M, Alatalo JM, Angerbjorn A, Bety J, Bollache L, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Brown GS, Eischeid I, Giroux MA, Hajek T, Hansen BB, Hofhuis SP, Lamarre JF, Lang J, Latty C, Lecomte N, Macek P, McKinnon L, Myers-Smith IH, Pedersen AØ, Prevey JS, Roth JD, Saafeld ST, Schmidt NM, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolova N, Stolz C, van Bemmelen R, Varpe Ø, Woodard PF & Jonsdottir IS. 2021. Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales. Artic Science. 1-42.

81 - Reveillion F, Montuire S, Maquart PO, Fétiveau C & Bollache L. 2022. Variations in the carapace shape of Whip Spiders (Arachnida: Amblypygi). Journal of Morphology. 283(8), 1003-1014.

80 - Schmidt, N. M., Roslin, T., Hansen, L. H., Gilg, O., Lang, J., Sittler, B., Hansen, J., Bollache, L. & Vesterinen, E. (2022). Spatio-temporal patterns in arctic fox (Vulpes alopex) diets revealed by molecular analysis of scats from Northeast Greenland. Polar Science, 100838.



79 - Davies TD, Carneiro APB, Tarzia M, Wakefield E, Hennicke J, Frederiksen M, Hansen ES, Campos B, Hazin C, Lascelles B, Anker-Nilssen T, Arnardóttir H, Barrett RT, Biscoito M, Bollache L, Boulinier T, Catry P, Ceia FR, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Cruz-Flores M, Danielsen J, Daunt F, Dunn E, Egevang C, Fagundes AI, Fayet AL, Fort J, Furness RW, Gilg O, González-Solís J, Granadeiro JP, Grémillet D, Guilford T, Hanssen SA, Harris MP, Hedd A, Huffeldt NP, Jessopp M, Kolbeinsson Y, Krietsch J, Lang J, Linnebjerg JF, Lorentsen SH, Madeiros J, Magnusdottir E, Mallory ML, McFarlane L, Merkel FR, Militão T, Moe B, Montevecchi WA, Morera-Pujol V, Mosbech A, Neves V, Newell MA, Olsen B, Paiva VH, Peter HU, Petersen A, Phillips RA, Ramírez I, Ramos JA, Ramos R, Ronconi RA, Ryan PG, Schmidt NM, Sigurðsson IA, Sittler B, Steen H, Stenhouse IJ, Strøm H, Systad GHR, Thompson P, Thórarinsson LT, van Bemmelen RSA, Wanless S, Zino F & MP Dias. 2021. Multi-species tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters. vol. 14, no 5, p. e12824.

78 – Meyer N, Bollache L, Galipaud M, Moreau J, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Afonso E, Angerbjorn A, Bety J, BrownG, Ehrich D, Gilg V, Giroux MA, Hansen J, Lanctot RB, Lang J, Latty C, Lecomte N, McKinnon L, Kennedy L, Reneerkens J, Saalfeld ST, Sabard B, Schmidt NM, Sittler B, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolov V, Sokolova N, van Bemmelen R, Varpe Ø and Olivier Gilg. 2020. Behavioural responses of arctic sandpipers to ground-surface temperature and primary production during incubation. Science of the Total Environment. 755, 142485.


77 - Meyer N, Bollache L, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Moreau J, Afonso E, Angerbjorn A, Bety J, Ehrich D, Gilg V, Giroux MA, Hansen J, Lanctot RB, Lang J, Lecomte N, McKinnon L, Reneerkens J, Saalfeld ST, Sabard B, Schmidt NM, Sittler B, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolov V, Sokolova N, van Bemmelen R & Gilg O. 2020. Nest attentiveness drives nest predation in arctic sandpipers. Oikos. 129 (10) : ‏ 1481-149. Doi : 10.1111/oik.07311

76 - Reveillion F, Wattier R, Montuire S, Carvalho LS & Bollache L. 2020. Cryptic diversity within three South American whip spider species (Arachnida, Amblypygi). Zoological research, 41 : 595-598. Doi :10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.068

75  - Bollache L. 2020. Interspecific interactions betweenAcanthocephalan species in the intestine ofstone loach and minnow. Journal of Helminthology 94, e106, 1. Doi : 10.1017/S0022149X19001007*

74 – Perrot-Minnot MJ, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2020. Distribution of Pomphorhynchus laevis s.l. (Acanthocephala) among fish species at a local scale: importance of fish biomass density. Journal of Helminthology 94, e99, 1-10. doi : 10.1017/S0022149X1900097X.


73 - Galipaud M, Bollache L, Lagrue C. 2019. Acanthocephalan infection patterns in amphipods: a reappraisal in the light of recently discovered host cryptic diversity. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 136: 107–121.

72 - Gilg O; Bollache L; Afonso E; Yannic G; Schmidt NM; Hansen LH; Hansen J; Sittler B; Lang J; Meyer N; Sabard B; Gilg V; Lang A; Lebbar M; Haukisalmi V; Henttonen H; & Moreau j. 2019. Are gastrointestinal parasites associated with the cyclic population dynamics of their arctic lemming hosts? International Journal for Parasitology - Parasites and Wildlife 10: 6-12

71 - Bulla M,  Reneerkens J, Weiser EL, Valcu M, Sokolov A, Taylor AR, Sittler B, Katrínardótti B, Sandercock B,  McCaffery BJ, Latty C, Ruthrauff DR, Catlin DU, Payer DC, Ward D, Solovyeva DV, Santos ESA, Rakhimberdiev E, Nol E, Kwon E, Brown GS, Hevia GD, River Gates H, Hansen J, Lamarre JF, Rausch J, Conklin JR, Johnson J, Bêty J, Lang J, Machín P, Hungar J, Fernández-Elipe J, Exo KM, Tibbitts L, Bollache L, Bertellotti M, Giroux MA, van de Pol M, Johnson M, Boldenow ML, Soloviev M, Sokolova N, Senner NR, Lecomte N, Meyer N, Martin Schmidt N, Gilg O, Smith PA, Martin PD, McGuire RL, Cerboncini RAS, Ottvall R, van Bemmelen RSA, Swift RJ, Jamieson SE, Saalfeld ST, Brown S, Kendall S, Piersma T, Albrecht T,  D'Amico VL, Lanctot RB, Kempenaers B & Liebezeit J. 2019. Comment on "Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds". Science. 364: 6445

70 - van Bemmelen R, Kolbeinsson Y, Ramos R, Gilg O, Alves JA, Smith M, Schekkerman H, Lehikoinen A, Petersen I, Þórisson B, Sokolov AA, Välimäki K, van der Meer T, Okill JD, Bolton M, Moe B, Hanssen SA, Bollache L, Petersen A, Thorstensen S, González-Solís J, Klaassen RHHG & Tulp I. 2019. A migratory divide among Red-necked Phalaropes in the Western Palearctic – contrasting migration and wintering movement strategies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7: 86

69 - Perrot-Minnot MJ, Guyonnet E, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2019. Differential patterns of definitive host use by two fish acanthocephalans occurring in sympatry: Pomphorhynchus laevis and Pomphorhynchus tereticollis. International Journal for Parasitology - Parasites and Wildlife 8: 135-144.

68 - Bollache L, Bardet E, Depret G, Motreuil S, Neuwirth C, Moreau J, Hartmann A. 2019. Dissemination of CTX-M-Producing Escherichia coli in Freshwater Fishes From a French Watershed (Burgundy). Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 3239.


67 - Keogan K, Daunt F, Wanless S, Phillips RA, Walling CA, Agnew P, Ainley DG, Anker-Nilssen T, Ballard, Barrett RT, Barton KJ, Bech C, Becker P, Berglund PA, Birkhead T, Bollache L, Bond AL, Bouwhuis S, Bradley RW, Burr ZM, Camphuysen K, Catry P, Chiaradia A, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Cuthbert R, Dehnhard N, Descamps S, Diamond T, Divoky G, Drummond H, Dugger KM, Dunn MJ, Emmerson L, Einar Erikstad K, Fort J, Fraser W, Gaston A, Genovart M, Gilg O, González-Solís J, Pedro Granadeiro J, Gremillet D, Hansen J, Hanssen SA, Harris M, Hedd A, Hinke J, Igual JM, Jahncke J, Jones I, Kappes PJ, Lang J, Langset M, Lescroël A, Lorentsen SK, Lyver POB, Mallory M, Moe B, Montevecchi WA, Monticelli D, Mostello C, Newell M, Nicholson L, Nisbet I, Olsson O, Oro D, Pattison V, Poisbleau M, Pyk T, Quintana F, Ramos J, Ramos R, Reiertsen TK, Rodríguez C, Ryan P, Sanz-Aguilar A, Schmidt NM, Shannon P, Sittler B, Southwell C, Surman C, Svagelj WS, Trivelpiece W, Warzybok P, Watanuki Y, Weimerskirch H, Wilson PR, Wood AG, Phillimore AB & S Lewis. 2018. Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nature Climate Change, 8(4), 313.

66 - Couchoux, C., Dechaume-Moncharmont, F. X., Rigaud, T., & Bollache, L. 2018. Male Gammarus roeseli provide smaller ejaculates to females infected with vertically transmitted microsporidian parasites. Animal Behaviour, 137, 179-185.

65 - Moreau J, Perroud L, Bollache L, Yannic G, Teixeira M, Martin Schmidt N, Reneerkens J & Gilg O. 2018. Discrimating uniparental and biparental breeding strategies by monitoring nest temperature. Ibis. 160: 13-22


64 - Iltis C, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Galipaud M, Moreau J, Bollache L & Louapre P. 2017. The curse of being single: both male and female Gammarus pulex benefit energetically from precopulatory mate guarding. Animal Behaviour 130: 67-72.

63 - Galipaud M, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2017. Variations in infection levels and parasite-induced mortality among sympatric cryptic lineages of native amphipods and a congeneric invasive species: are native hosts always losing?. International journal for Parasitology: parasites and wildlife. 6: 439-447.

62 - van Bemmelen R, Moe B, Hanssen SA, Martin Schmidt N, Hansen J, Lang J, Sittler B, Bollache L, Tulp I, Klaassen R & Gilg O. 2017. Consistency and flexibility in non-breeding movement patterns in a long-distance migratory seabird, the Long-tailed Skua. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 578: 197-211.

61 - Chantemesse B, Betelli L, Solanas S, Viennet F, Bollache L, Hartmann A & Rochelet M. 2017 A nitrocefin-based amperometric assay for the rapid quantification of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in wastewaters. Water Research 109: 375-381.


60 - Weiser EL, Lanctot RB, Brown SC, Alves JA, Battley PF, Bentzen R, Bêty J, Bishop MA, Boldenow M, Bollache L, Casler B, Christie M, Coleman JT, Conklin JR, English WB, Gates HR, Gilg O, Giroux MA, Gosbell K, Hassell C, Helmericks J, Johnson A, Katrínardóttir B, Koivula K, Kwon E, Lamarre JF, Lang J, Lank DB, Lecomte N, Liebezeit J, Loverti V, McKinnon L, Minton C, Mizrahi D, Nol E, Pakanen VM, Perz J, Porter R, Rausch J, Reneerkens J, Rönkä N, Saalfeld S, Senner N, Sittler B, Smith PA, Sowl K, Taylor A, Ward DH, Yezerinac S & Sandercock BK. 2016. Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Movement Ecology 4: 12

59 - Barbier E, Chantemesse B, Rochelet M, Fayolle L, Bollache L, Boschiroli ML & Hartmann A. 2016. Rapid dissemination of M. bovis from cattle dung to soil by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Veterinary Microbiology. 186: 1-7.

 58 -  Bollache L. 2016. Effects of the cestode parasite, Cyathocephalus truncatus, on the fecundity and feeding rate of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Parasitology research. 115: 445-447.


57 - Galipaud M, Gauthey Z, Turlin J, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2015. Mate choice and male-male competition among morphologically cryptic but genetically divergent amphipod lineages. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69: 1907-1916.

56 - Galipaud M, Bollache L, Wattier R, Dubreuil C, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX & Lagrue C. 2015. Overestimation of the strength of size-assortative pairing in taxa with cryptic diversity: a case of Simpson's paradox. Animal Behaviour: 102: 217-221.

55 - Beaune D, Bretagnolle F, Bollache L, Hohmann G. & Fruth B. 2015. Can fruit traits control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? Behaviour. 152: 359-374.

54 - Galipaud M, Bollache L, Oughadou A & Dechaume-Moncharmont FX. 2015. Males do not always switch females when presented with a better reproductive option. Behavioural Ecology. 26: 359- 366


53  -Dunoyer L, Dijoux L, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2014. Effects of crayfish on leaf litter breakdown and shredder prey: are native and introduced species functionally redundant? Biological Invasions. 16 : 1545-1555.

52 - Lagrue C, Podgorniak L, Lecerf A & Bollache L. 2014. An invasive species may be better than none: invasive signal and native noble crayfish have similar community effects. Freshwater Biology. 59: 1982-1995.

51 - Lagrue C, Wattier R, Galipaud M, Gauthey Z, Rullman JP, Dubreuil C, Rigaud T & Bollache L. 2014. Confrontation of cryptic diversity and mate discrimination within Gammarus pulex and Gammarus fossarum species complexes. Freshwater Biology. 59: 2555-2570.


50 - Beaune D, Bollache L, Muganza MD, Bretagnolle F, Hohmann G. & Fruth B. 2013. Artificial Germination Activation of Dialium corbisieri by Imitation of Ecological Process. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 32 : 565-575.

49 - Beaune D, Bretagnolle F, Bollache L, Bourson C, Hohmann G. & Fruth B. 2013. Ecological services performed by the bonobo (Pan paniscus): seed dispersal effectiveness in tropical forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 29: 367-380.

48 - Gilg O, Moe B, Hanssen SA, Schmidt NM, Sittler B, Hansen J, Reneerkens J, Sabard B, Chastel O, Moreau J, Phillips RA, Oudman T, Biersma EM, Fenstad AA, Lang J & Bollache L. 2013. Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus). PlosONE 8: e64614

47- Beaune D. Bretagnolle F. Bollache L. Hohmann G. Surbeck M. Fruth B. 2013. Seed dispersal strategies and the threat of defaunation in a Congo forest. Biodiversity and Conservation. 22: 225-238.

46 - Lagrue C, Guvenatam E & Bollache L. 2013. Manipulative parasites may not alter intermediate host distribution but still enhance their transmission: field evidence for increased vulnerability to definitive hosts and non-host predator avoidance. Parasitology. 140: 258-265.

45  - Galipaud M, Bollache L & Dechaume-Moncharmont FX. 2013. Assortative mating by size without a size-based preference: the female-sooner norm as a mate guarding criterion. Animal Behaviour. 85: 35-41.

44 - Beaune D. Bretagnolle F. Bollache L. Hohmann G. Surbeck M. Bourson C. Fruth B. 2013. The bonobo-Dialium positive interactions: seed dispersal mutualism. American Journal of Primatology. 75, 394-403.

43 - Beaune D, Fruth B, Bollache L, Hohmann G. & Bretagnolle F. 2013. Doom of the elephant-dependent trees in a Congo tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 295: 109-117.


42 - Cornet S, Luquet G & Bollache L. 2012. Influence of female moulting status on pairing decisions and size-assortative mating. Journal of Zoology. 286 : 312-319.

41 - Gilg O, K M Kovacs, J Aars, J Fort, G Gauthier, D Gremillet, R A Ims, H Meltofte, J Moreau, E Post, N Martin Schmidt, G Yannic, & L Bollache. 2012. Climate change and the ecology and evolution of Arctic vertebrates. Annals of the new york academy of sciences. 1249: 166-190.

40 - Dianne L, Bollache L, Lagrue C, Franceschi N & Rigaud T. 2012. Larval size acanthocephalan parasites: Influence of intraspecific competition and effects on intermediate host behavioral changes. Parasites & Vectors. 5: 166

39 - Beaune D, Bollache L, Bretagnolle F & Fruth B. 2012. Dung beetles are critical in preventing post-dispersal seed removal by rodents in Congo rain forest). Journal of Tropical Ecology. 28: 507-510.

38 - Beaune D, Bollache L, Hohmann G & Bretagnolle F. 2012. Seed predation by bush pigs (Potamochoerus porcus) in LuiKotale (Democratic Republic of Congo). African Journal of Ecology. 50: 509-512.

37 - Beaune D, Bollache L, Fruth B, Hohmann G. & Bretagnolle F. 2012. Density-dependent effect affecting elephant-seed dispersed tree recruitment (Irvingia gabonensis) in Congo forest. Pachyderm 52, 97-100.


36 - Lagrue C, Kaldonski N, Motreuil S, Lefèvre T, Blatter O, Giraud P & Bollache L. 2011. Interspecific differences in drift behaviour between the native Gammarus pulex and the exotic Gammarus roeseli, and possible implications for the invader’s success. Biological Invasions. 13 : 1409 – 1421.

35 - Galipaud M, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Oughadou A & Bollache L. 2011. Females benefit from precopulatory mate guarding in the Amphipod Gammarus pulex. Biology Letters. 7:333-335.

34 - Medoc M, Rigaud T, Motreuil S, Perrot-Minnot MJ & Bollache L. 2011. Paratenic host as regular transmission route in acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis: potential implication for food webs. Naturwissenschaften 98: 825-835.

33 - Galipaud M, Gauthey Z & Bollache L. 2011. Pairing success and sperm reserve of male Gammarus pulex infected by Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea). Parasitology. 138: 1429-1435


32 - Franceschi N., Bollache L., Cornet S., Bauer A., Motreuil S. & Rigaud T. 2010. Co-variation between the intensity of behavioural manipulation and parasite development time in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23, 2143–2150.

31 - Franceschi N., Lemaitre J. F., Cezilly F. & Bollache L. 2010. Size-assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): a test of the prudent choice hypothesis. Animal Behaviour. 79: 911-916.

30 - Franceschi N, Cornet S, Bollache L, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Bauer A, Motreuil S & Rigaud T. 2010. Variation between populations and local adaptation in acanthocephalan-induced parasite manipulation. Evolution. 64: 2417-2430.


29 - Lemaitre J. F., Rigaud T., Cornet S. & Bollache L. 2009. The effect of sperm depletion on male mating behaviour and reproductive “time-out” in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Animal Behaviour. 77: 49-54.

28 -  Medoc V., Rigaud T., Bollache L. & Beisel J. N. 2009. A manipulative parasite increasing an antipredator response decreases its vulnerability to a nonhost predator. Animal Behaviour. 77: 1235-1241.

27 - Cornet S., Franceschi N., Bollache L., Rigaud T. & Sorci G. 2009. Variation and covariation in infectivity, virulence and immunodepression in the host–parasite association Gammarus pulex–Pomphorhynchus laevis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 276: 4229-4236


26 - Bollache L., Dick J. T. A., Farnsworth K. D. & Montgomery W. I. 2008. Comparison of the functional responses of invasive and native amphipods. Biology Letters. 4: 166-169.

25 - Franceschi N., Bauer A., Bollache L. & Rigaud T. 2008. The effects of parasite age and intensity on variability in acanthocephalan-induced behavioural manipulation. International Journal for Parasitology. 38: 1161-1170.

24 - Kaldonski N., Lagrue C., Motreuil S., Rigaud T. & Bollache L. 2008. Habitat segregation mediates predation by the benthic fish Cottus gobio on the exotic amphipod species Gammarus roeseli. Naturwissenschaften. 95: 839-844.


23 -  Moret Y., Bollache L., Wattier R. & Rigaud T. 2007. Who from the host or the parasite is the most locally adapted in an amphipod-acanthocephalan relationship? A case study in a biological invasion context. International Journal for Parasitology. 37: 637-644.

22 - Outreman Y., Cézilly F. & Bollache L. 2007. Field evidence of host size dependent parasitism in two manipulative parasites. Journal of Parasitology. 93: 750-754.

21 - Marie B., Luquet G., De Barros J. P., Guichard N., Morel S., Alcaraz G., Bollache L. & Marin F. 2007. The shell matrix of the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Paleoheterodonta, Unionoida): Involvement of acidic polysaccharides from glycoproteins in nacre mineralization. The FEBS Journal. 274: 2933-2945.

20 - Franceschi N., Rigaud T., Moret Y., Hervant F. & Bollache L. 2007. Behavioural and physiological effects of the trophically transmitted cestode parasite Cyathocephalus truncatus on its intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. Parasitology. 134: 1839-1847.

19  - Wattier R., Haine E. R., Beguet J., Martin G., Bollache L., Muskó I. B., Platvoet D. & Rigaud T. 2007. No genetic bottleneck or associated microparasite loss in invasive populations of a freshwater amphipod. Oikos. 116: 1941-1953.

18- Lagrue C., Kaldonski N., Perrot-minnot M. J., Motreuil S. & Bollache L. 2007. Modification of host's behaviour by a parasite: field evidence for adaptive manipulation. Ecology. 88: 2839-2847.


17 - Wattier R., Beguet J., Gaillard M., Mueller J. Bollache L. & Perrot-Minnot M. J. 2006. Molecular markers for systematic identification and population genetics of the invasive Ponto-Caspian freshwater gammarid Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea,Amphipoda). Molecular Ecology Notes. 6 : 487-489.

16 - Médoc V., Bollache L. & Beisel J. N. 2006. Host manipulation of a freshwater crustacean (Gammarus roeseli) by an acanthocephalan parasite (Polymorphus minutus) in a biological invasion context. International Journal for Parasitology. 36: 1351-1358.

15 - Bollache L., Kaldonski N., Troussard J. P., Lagrue C. & Rigaud T. 2006. Spines and behaviour as defences against fish predators in an invasive freshwater amphipod. Animal Behaviour. 72 : 627-633.

14 - Lagrue C. & Bollache L. 2006. Effects of temperature on persistence times of native and invasive gammarid species in the stomachs of bullhead, Cottus gobio. Journal of Fish Biology. 68 : 318-322.


13 - Devin S., Bollache L., Noël P. Y. & Beisel J. N. 2005. Patterns of biological invasions in French freshwaters by macroinvertebrates. Hydrobiologia. 551: 137-146.


12 - Bollache L. 2004. Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda): another invasive species in Lake Geneva. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 111: 309-313.

11- Bollache L., Devin S., Wattier R., Chovet M., Beisel J. N., Moreteau J. C. & Rigaud T. 2004. Rapid range extension of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in France: potential consequences. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 160: 57-66.

10 - Bollache L. & Cézilly F. 2004. State-dependent pairing behaviour in male Gammarus pulex (L.) (Crustacea, Amphipoda): effects of time left to moult and prior pairing status. Behavioural Processes. 66: 131-137.

9 - Bollache L. & Cézilly F. 2004. Sexual selection on male body size and assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): field surveys and laboratory experiments. Journal of Zoology. 264: 135-141.

8 - Devin S., Bollache L., Beisel J. N., Moreteau J. C. & Perrot-Minnot M. J. 2004. Pigmentation polymorphism in the invasive amphipod species Dikerogammarus villosus: some insights into its maintenance. Journal of Zoology. 264: 391-397.


7 - Plaistow S., Bollache L. & Cézilly F. 2003. Energetically costly precopulatory mate guarding in the amphipod Gammarus pulex: causes and consequences. Animal Behaviour, 65: 683-691


6 - Outreman Y., Bollache L., Plaistow S. & Cézilly F. 2002. Patterns of intermediate host use and levels of association between two conflicting manipulate parasites. International Journal for Parasitology, 32, 15-20.

5 - Alibert P., Bollache L., Corberant D., Guesdon V. & Cézilly F. 2002. Parasitic infection and developmental stability: fluctuating asymmetry in Gammarus pulex infected with two acanthocephalan species. The Journal of Parasitology, 88: 47-54.

4 - Bollache L., Rigaud T. & Cézilly F. 2002. Effects of two Acanthocephalan Parasites on the fecundity and pairing status of female Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 79, 102-110.


3 - Bollache L., Gambade G. & Cézilly F. 2001. The effects of two Acanthocephalan parasites, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus on pairing success in male Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 49, 296-303.


2 - Bauer A., Trouvé S., Grégoire A., Bollache L. & Cézilly F. 2000. Differential influence of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) on the behaviour of native and invader gammarid species. . International Journal for Parasitology, 30, 1453-1457.

1 - Bollache L., Gambade G. & Cézilly F. 2000. The influence of micro-habitat segregation on size assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 147, 547-558.